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[Exposure] XM9 Mono Amplifier

Original price $22,500.00 - Original price $22,500.00
Original price $22,500.00
$22,500.00 - $22,500.00
Current price $22,500.00
Type: XM9 Mono - Pair


Large 200VA custom-made toroidal power transformer
High quality all aluminium casework and extruded front panel
High quality resistors & capacitors used in the signal path
Cascode circuitry utilised for improved power supply immunity
Toshiba bipolar output transistors for dynamics and performance
80 watts per channel into 8 ohms
Unbalanced & balanced input selectable by internal link
DC coupled throughout
Electronic, non invasive current overload protection
Bi-wire speaker outputs using high quality shrouded sockets


細小身材 悠長韻味 - Exposure 力寶聲 XM7/XM9前級/單聲道後級

溫暖動人的英倫四重奏! - Exposure XM7前級放大器 + XM9單聲道後級 (2)