Richcoln Cable Burn-in Service
Siltech cable burn-in service
After the appointment as the distributor of Siltech cables in China, Hong Kong and Macau, Richcoln is introducing the
cable burn-in service for Siltech users/customers so that their cables could be performing at their best.
The cable will be fully run-in by the Siltech burn-in machine. After the conductor is connected to the machine, pulse
wave will be sent through the cable. The process will raise the performance of the cable, revealing the original details
with very precise imaging, and a very discernible sound stage.
The texture and nuances of the music will also be more defined, providing a very natural playback with better musicality.
Cable type: Interconnect cables with RCA, interconnect cables with XLR, speaker cables
Burn-in time: 24 hours
Burn-in charges: Interconnect cables $ 500 / pair, speaker cables $ 700 / pair
For enquiries, please call 2489-2269 or visit our showroom (5/F, Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong
或參考公司網頁: http://richcoln.com/index.php/en/services-eng/burn-cable-service-eng